Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Taking Matters into Your Own Hands

  Just when we thought the snow was gone for the year, it snowed an inch over night. So sometimes you have to take matters into your own hands. I found these cute tulip sidewalk night lights at the dollar store, but the ground is so frozen I had to lean them up against a tree to stand them up.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Spring is Coming

Time to get out and take some pictures as spring is coming.  Wayne and I went out to Fox Lake a couple of days ago and saw a flock of migrating American White Pelicans.  They are coming up from the Gulf Coast and heading north.  This flock will probably summer on a nice lake in Canada, but I like to think they are part of the group going to Yellowstone.  Sigh!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Jellies is More Than a Grape Flavor

I took a trip to the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago this week.  I finally got to see the "Jellies" exhibit.  It was fascinating to watch these creatures. It has been one thing on my bucket list to be able to see and photograph them.  The entire museum was amazing.  I know about your every day bass, whitefish, salmon and cute little Nemo, but here are so many fishes, so many sizes, so many colors, so much variety from all over the world. Sea life is not just fishes either.  From whales and sea lions and penguins to sea horses and sea dragons and jellies.  Also snakes and sea turtles and little poison dart frogs.  Then there is all the plant life as the multicolored coral reefs.  This is all stuff we don't generally see, all tucked away in our rivers, lakes and oceans.  On the fifth day God created whales, and every living creature that moves, which the waters brought forth abundantly.  And I was surrounded by them....AWESOME!