Saturday, April 20, 2013

It's Not Nice to Fool a Nature Photographer

We were driving to church and my husband suddenly said, "Look, there is a coyote by the pond!" I looked and sure enough, there he was.  I grabbed my camera that I always have in my purse and got out of the car.  I took a quick shot and then carefully moved in closer.  What luck, he didn't move.  I took another shot and then moved closer.  He still didn't move, not a twitch.....hmmm!  So now I move a lot closer and still no movement.  Oh, man, he is a fake!  I should have known, we saw a fake fox my a house up the street from us near a pond.  This is apparently the new thing to keep geese away from people's properties that are near areas that geese like to habituate.  So beware if you see an unexpected fox or coyote.  It's not nice to fool a nature photographer!

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