Sunday, June 17, 2018

Bison Birthday

What does a person who likes nature photography do for their birthday?  Take pictures of course.  I had missed a recent outing with Lake County Camera Club and it was a bright overcast day.  It was perfect for getting animal shots without the sun making everything bright and contrasty.  Instead I had nice even lighting to work with.  So, since I couldn't go to Yellowstone in a day, I took the half hour drive to Lester's Bison Farm to check it out.  I find out they have several fields they rotate the bison to for grazing and it is my good fortune to find the herd is in the field next to the house and store.  I am able to just park my car and walk a short distance to the fence line.  I find that Lester has a herd of about 50 bison plus about 10 adorable calves. 

The problem is sometimes they like to all clump together and you have to separate a couple out to get a good photo.  Then when you think you have that perfect shot, another bison comes strolling in front and your chance is gone.  However, it is fun to watch them and with patience you can get some nice photos because they are contained to an area and can't disappear out past the trees. I used my 100-400mm zoom lens which worked out great, except when they decided to come right up close to the fence where I was at.  Ha!  Here are some of the images I was able to get.
Bison family

"Come back here Junior"

Three Amigos

Don't come any closer

Just resting

Heading out

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