Saturday, June 2, 2018


We have bird feeders in our yard, but sometimes we get just too busy to take time out to watch our visitors.  The other day my husband, Wayne, noticed that the hummingbirds were coming to their feeder.   It was such a nice evening outside.  I decided I should get my camera and tripod set up and relax out by our patio table.  I was not disappointed. The male Ruby-throated hummingbird came in and out and actually landed on a branch we have placed near the feeder and posed nicely.

A little while later, the female Ruby-throated hummingbird came and visited the feeder too.  I got several shots of her, even one after taking a drink with her tongue out.  It pays to relax and enjoy the nature God has created around us.  Both photos were taken at 1/1000sec, f6.3 ISO400 with my 600mm Sigma lens on my Canon 7D II.

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