Wednesday, May 7, 2014

One Picture Can Say It All

One picture can tell the whole story.  Like when my niece, Lynne, surprised all the ladies at our Tuesday lunch group this week (before Mother's Day) by giving us free ice cream and some beautiful roses.

The problem is that the picture didn't start out like this.  It was like the picture below where it is hard to see the people in the picture, we are just too dark.  I knew this would be a problem because of all the windows in the background.  The camera was fooled by the outside brightness and underexposed us.  I could have used my HDR app on my phone, but my husband was taking the pictures.  If I had to set up the two boxes to expose correctly for the brighter windows and the other for us, then run around and get in the picture, then have him hand me the camera after each shot so I could adjust the HDR and contrast and color and save it, no one would sit still for that.  So I just decided to have him take the shots and  throw the best one in Photoshop Elements afterwards. 
      At home, once I found the best shot with the best expressions on each face, I made a selection of just us ladies.  I opened the levels and brightened the mid tones.  Then I sharpened this selection.  I then reversed the selection and darkened the mid tones to tone down the background and foreground a bit and I did not sharpen.  I then cropped the picture to cut out the uninteresting ceiling and have the picture just concentrate on the main subject, us.  Now you can see us better.  Happy Mother's Day! 


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