Monday, May 26, 2014

You Don't Always Get What You Wish For

        My brother had told me there were coyote pups out in the back of my parents property.  He saw their eyes in his headlights when he drove in the driveway one night.  They were under the tree in the back yard.  He said he could hear the parents howling at the train when it whistled as it went by.  The pups gave out little barks.  My mom use to get upset because they would sit on the back stoop which is under the bedroom window and howl in the middle of the night.
            My brother said they came out at sunset, so I was hoping to catch them.  I went out just before sunset and set myself up in a corner of the house with my telephoto lens and a tripod.  As it was getting darker, I saw something move in the tall grass in the back.  Wow!  It was huge!  I kept my eyes glued on the animal as it came closer.....oh, it's a deer.  The deer looked in my direction and came just so close and turned around and went back out.  I continued to sit and waited until it got dark.  Nothing.  I knew I couldn't get any pictures in the dark, so I went home.    
          I went out the next morning on a hunt.  My brother said he could hear them close by and thought they might have a den in the back of the property where there are a bunch of trees and brush. I carefully and slowly scouted around.  I saw the one trail the deer had taken and some deer prints.  Otherwise no other trails and no other footprints.  I went home disappointed.  As the saying goes "You don't always get what you wish for."
            The day went on and as we were coming home from lunch, I spotted something in a neighbors yard.  Here it is, my wildlife pic of the day.  Happy Memorial Day!

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